5.12.18 Fishing Report
The 2018 season has taken off and so far it is looking spectacular. Right now we are in the middle of prime time for Haddock and other ground fish (no cod retention again this year). Anglers who are picking their days are limiting out in no time. They are also seeing good numbers of whales on the ledges as well, which means that there is a good supply of bait out there. Clam strips rigged on a circle hook with a bank sinker on the bottom will be your most effective method, and it will also minimize damage to smaller sub legal fish as well the cod that you will run into. Jigs and flies are also catching and with the numbers that out there anglers are not having any issues catching their quota. Captain John Petrilick of Mary May Charters had a banner day this week, that resulted in over 50 keeper Haddock as well as an early season Porbeagle Shark.
As far as the Striped Bass are concerned, the water temperatures are at or near the fifty degree mark. Fish will first be found in the marshes, and the muddy bottom back bays. Typically, the first fish to show up are small schoolies, so match the gear to the size of the fish that are around. Six to eight foot, medium action rods will provide plenty of backbone, but also provide some sport as well. Small Ron-Z’s, Hogy paddle tails, and buck tail jigs will be effective. Fly anglers will be most successful using clousers, and deceivers. Sand and Blood worms fished on the bottom will be most effective.
Shad fishing is heating up as well. Anglers who are fishing the rivers with shad darts and spoons near the bottom are having success. Focus your efforts on the calm parts of water where a seam is made from turbulent water. The shad will hang on the edge of that break. Make sure to keep a light drag so you do not rip the soft mouth of these fish. Light leader will give your jig or spoon the desired action.
Good luck, send pictures, and don’t forget to tag Saco Bay Tackle on Facebook and Instagram.