August Fishing .. Quick report
Pete! I know a lot of people are only using live pogies for striper lately.. but all mine have been on lures from the shop! Just thought I would let you know the striper maine-iac and sp minnows still working for keeper sized ones in case people come in to ask. I caught a 31 inch on blue mackerel sp minnow this morning ..
Another note.. stripers are being caught back in the rivers and inlets. Some reports of peanut bunker along the coast of Biddeford and saco. Captain Derek Peters from Apex Charters in Wells has been having Great Luck using Pogies along the Shore line. Some tips include using an egg sinker above your swivel to keep the bail down slightly away from the school you snagged the Pogy from. This gives the larger opportunistic striper a clear path to its next meal
Offshore haddock and other groundfishing has been good on tantas and Jefferies. You have the ledges to yourself till the end of the month. Shark fishing has been improving with warmer waters. Double check the regs for retaining Makos.. new sizes for male and female