Spring 2019 April Report

May Fishing Report

Courtesy Diamond Pass Outfitters


            The Stripers are here! No sweeter words have been said in 2019 other than the Patriots are Super Bowl Champs. But seriously, the Stripers have made their way back to Maine and they are here to stay for another year. Anglers are reporting catches from Kittery to Portland so far. Fish are being found in the river mouths, marshes and back bays. There seems to be a good mix of fish here as well, with many small fish in the 15” range and fish up to 30” as well. Soft plastics like the Dart spins, Ron_Z’s, and Hogy Pro Tails have all proven to be effective so far in the season, as well as small top waters and swimmers. Fly anglers are also finding fish near the bottom fishing sinking lines and flies in the 3-5” range. Clousers, deceivers, and sand eel patterns will be your best bet. Sand and Blood worms will be most effective live bait this time of year as well.

            As of right now, the perennial go to spots seem to be producing best. The Scarborough Marsh, Bayview, The Mousam, and York river is where we are getting our credible reports from. Two hours on either side of the tide seems to be the best for anglers at this point.

            Shad have also arrived in the river. The fishing has been difficult as of late, and it’s not due to a lack of fish, it has more to do with the flow of the river. High rain totals in April have caused the river to be overly active as of late and as a result has made the shad fishing next to impossible. But with the calming weather conditions we anticipate seeing more and more shad pictures from anglers. Standard darts, and spoons will be your best bet. Just remember to keep the offering near the bottom.

            The season seems to have kicked off a bit earlier than last year and as soon as we start to see some sunny days the fishing will explode.


May 25th, 2019 Fishing Report


Spring 2019 April Report